Health and Beauty

Friday 15 December 2023

Exploring the Scientific Dimensions of Agnihotra Yajna: Tradition and Controversy

Agnihotra Yajna, a sacred fire ceremony rooted in Vedic traditions, has been practiced in India for millennia. While deeply intertwined with religious and spiritual beliefs, some practitioners assert that Agnihotra Yajna holds scientific benefits. In this blog post, we'll delve into the ritual's background, its traditional significance, and the controversial claims surrounding its purported scientific advantages.

Agnihotra Yajna: A Brief Overview:

Agnihotra Yajna involves the performance of a ritualistic fire ceremony, where specific substances are offered into a consecrated fire at both sunrise and sunset. The ceremony often includes the use of cow dung cakes to kindle the fire, accompanied by the recitation of mantras. This ancient practice is considered a purifying and spiritually enriching act in Hinduism.

Traditional Significance:

The roots of Agnihotra Yajna are deeply embedded in Hindu traditions, where it is regarded as a means of connecting with the divine and maintaining cosmic harmony. The rhythmic performance of the ceremony is believed to have profound spiritual and psychological effects on the participants.

Controversial Claims and Scientific Perspectives:

Despite its traditional significance, Agnihotra Yajna has also been associated with controversial claims regarding its scientific benefits. Some practitioners argue that the ritual has tangible effects on physical health, the environment, agriculture, and even climate. However, these assertions often lack robust scientific evidence and are met with skepticism from the broader scientific community.

Challenges and Criticisms:

Scientifically validating the purported benefits of Agnihotra Yajna poses several challenges. The lack of controlled studies, small sample sizes, and potential biases in the interpretation of results have hindered the establishment of a solid scientific foundation for the claims associated with the ritual.

The Need for Rigorous Scientific Investigation:

While Agnihotra Yajna continues to be an integral part of cultural and spiritual practices, it is essential to approach its scientific dimensions with a critical mindset. Rigorous, well-designed studies are necessary to evaluate the validity of the claims surrounding the ritual and to bridge the gap between tradition and scientific understanding.


Agnihotra Yajna stands as a testament to the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of India. While its traditional significance is widely acknowledged, the scientific dimensions remain a subject of ongoing debate. As we explore the intersection of tradition and science, it is crucial to approach the topic with an open mind and a commitment to rigorous investigation. The journey towards understanding the true nature of Agnihotra Yajna continues, inviting both skepticism and curiosity.


Thursday 14 December 2023

Why Should you not Sleep with your Head Towards the North ?

In the quest for a good night's sleep and overall well-being, ancient sciences often offer intriguing insights. One such ancient Indian science is Vastu Shastra, an architectural guide that harmonizes our living and working spaces with nature. This blog explores the fascinating connection between our sleep orientation, the Earth's magnetic field, and Vastu Shastra principles.

The Magnetic Influence:

Vastu Shastra posits that as the sun traverses from east to west, it generates a constant current of thermal electricity that magnetizes the Earth. This belief extends to the human body, suggesting that our legs gain a south polarity, and our heads a north polarity due to continuous contact with the Earth. Sleeping with our heads towards the Earth's north magnetic pole, with a negative polarity, may lead to various health issues.

Choosing the Right Direction:

To optimize sleep and well-being, Vastu Shastra recommends sleeping with the head to the east. Aligning the body with the east-west thermal electricity current supposedly helps overpower inflammation, especially in the head. However, the blog emphasizes that if you live in the northern hemisphere, sleeping with your head facing north should be avoided.

Different "North Poles":

The distinction between the geographical north pole and the magnetic north pole is crucial. While the geographical north pole is where Earth's rotation axis intersects the surface, the magnetic north pole, currently located on Ellesmere Island in Northern Canada, is where magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the surface. The blog clarifies that it is the magnetic north pole to which one should pay attention when considering sleep direction.

Cultural Perspectives:

The blog explores various cultural perspectives on sleep orientation. American Indians believed that sleeping facing north was reserved for the dead. Hindu practices in Bali, despite residing in the southern hemisphere, involve sleeping with heads facing north. Feng shui, a Chinese practice concerned with energy flow, also has preferences, leaning towards southward energy.

Magnetic Field in Nature:

Drawing parallels with bird migration, the blog highlights how birds, bees, whales, and turtles rely on the Earth's magnetic field for navigation. This leads to the question: Can the magnetic field also influence the human body?

The Moving Magnetic North Pole:

An intriguing revelation surfaces during the research—a reminder that the magnetic north pole is not static but is moving faster than expected. Scientists attribute this movement to turbulence in the Earth's liquid outer core. The blog concludes with a fascinating tidbit—scientists predict a potential flip of the poles, a phenomenon not observed in the last 780,000 years.


Intricately weaving together ancient wisdom, scientific principles, and cultural beliefs, this blog sheds light on the importance of sleep direction. Whether you choose to follow Vastu Shastra or consider other cultural perspectives, the magnetic influence of our planet continues to captivate our understanding of a good night's sleep. Stay tuned for more insights into the fascinating realm where science and tradition intersect. Sweet dreams! 

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Why Cows are Considered Holy to Hindus

In my journey through Religious Education, I often found the depiction of Hinduism uncomfortable, with textbooks presenting it as strange and primitive, particularly focusing on the notion of Hindus praying to animals. This experience has motivated me to share a more nuanced perspective, shedding light on the deep meaning and scientific reasons behind Hindu practices, particularly the reverence for cows.

The Cultural Significance of Cows:

In the Western world, dogs are considered man's best friend, and the idea of consuming dog meat is considered unthinkable. Similarly, Hindus regard the cow as a revered and cherished companion. Contrary to Western norms, this reverence is rooted in historical and cultural aspects that go beyond mere religious practices.

Historical Evolution:

The transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities around 10,000 years ago marked a pivotal point in human civilization. Cows played a crucial role in this transformation, as evident from primitive drawings found worldwide. The depiction of cows on stone walls and caves underscores their special place in early human societies.

The Gentle Nature of Cows:

Hinduism extends its reverence for life to the animal kingdom, with cows holding a special status. Cows are valued for their gentle nature; they neither bite nor kill, and they generously provide more milk than their calves need. This benevolence has elevated them to the status of "Gaumata" or mother, as their milk sustains human society through various dairy products.

Integral Role in Vedic Eras:

During the Vedic eras, cows became integral to ashrams and gurukuls. Their milk was used to produce essential items like ghee and yogurt, both for daily consumption and religious rituals. Additionally, cow dung served as valuable manure for agricultural fertilization and a source of fuel, including the generation of biogas for electricity.

Elevation to Divine Status:

The reverence for cows reached new heights during Vedic eras, where they were depicted with different gods and goddesses residing on various parts of their bodies. This symbolic representation elevated the status of Gaumata to that of the Divine Mother, emphasizing the sacred connection between humans, animals, and the divine.

Environmental and Ethical Implications:

In the contemporary context, with growing awareness of the environmental impact of the meat industry and the ethical concerns associated with animal cruelty, many individuals are turning towards veganism. The practices in Hinduism, rooted in sustainable living and ethical treatment of animals, align with these modern concerns.


Understanding the deep-rooted cultural and historical significance of cow reverence in Hinduism allows us to appreciate and respect diverse belief systems. Armed with this knowledge, we can dispel misconceptions and promote a more profound understanding of practices that may seem unfamiliar, fostering a sense of pride and appreciation for cultural diversity.

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Sandalwood Tilak: Unlocking Spiritual Serenity and Holistic Well-being with Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science


In the vibrant tapestry of Hindu culture, the Tilak has long been a distinctive mark of devotion and spiritual identity. Beyond its symbolic significance, this ancient practice, often adorned between the eyebrows, carries a rich history that intertwines tradition, science, and holistic well-being. One of the key ingredients in Tilak, sandalwood or 'chandan,' not only holds profound religious importance but also boasts remarkable scientific properties that contribute to its soothing effects on the mind and body.

The Varied Faces of Tilak:

The Tilak comes in diverse forms, from dry red powder to pale-yellow liquid and even horizontal white stripes. Despite these visual distinctions, the unifying factor lies in the conformity to Sanatan Dharma, linking individuals in their shared spiritual journey. Through the ages, this practice has persisted, becoming a signature element of Hindu rituals and ceremonies.


A Sacred Ingredient with Scientific Benefits: At the heart of many Tilak variations is sandalwood, or 'chandan,' renowned for its cooling effect and pure aroma. Beyond its religious symbolism, the application of sandalwood Tilak offers tangible benefits, supported by both ancient wisdom and modern science.

Chinese Acupunctural Sciences and Cooling Properties:

According to Chinese acupunctural sciences, the point between the eyebrows, where Tilak is traditionally applied, corresponds to a convergence point of nerves. The cooling properties of sandalwood come into play here, offering relief from headaches and promoting a sense of calmness. Devotees experience not only a physical cooling effect but also a mental tranquility that enhances their worship experience.

Activating the Third Eye –

Ajna Chakra: In Hindu scriptures like the Vedas, the concept of Chakras reveals seven energy channels within the body. The 'ajna' or third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows, governs concentration and observation. Applying Tilak on this area is believed to activate the third eye, stimulating concentration and heightening the mind's ability to focus during spiritual practices.

Ayurveda and Sandalwood as a Sedative:

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing system, recognizes sandalwood as the ultimate sedative. Beyond religious rituals, sandalwood Tilak finds a place in holistic well-being practices. Individuals grappling with anxiety, insomnia, or nerve pain can benefit from the calming effects of sandalwood by applying its tilak on the forehead.


In essence, the Sandalwood Tilak is more than a religious emblem; it is a holistic remedy for fatigue, stress, and pain. By understanding the ancient traditions and scientific principles behind this practice, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with their spirituality while simultaneously enjoying the therapeutic benefits of sandalwood. So, the next time you apply Tilak, consider the profound impact it can have on making you a cooler, calmer person, both spiritually and physically.

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Monday 11 December 2023

Panchamrit and Charnamrit: Discover the Divine Sweetness and Wellness Secrets

In the heart of Hindu traditions, there exists a sacred concoction known as Panchamrit – a sweet elixir comprising five divine ingredients. The term itself is derived from Sanskrit, where "panch" signifies "five," and "amrit" translates to the "nectar of the gods" or "immortal." Rooted in symbolism, Panchamrit is a revered Prasad, prepared with raw milk, curd, honey, sugar, and ghee, each carrying profound significance. This sacred offering is presented to deities, consumed post-worship, and is believed to bestow blessings upon those partaking in its divine essence.

Symbolic Significance of Each Ingredient:

Milk (Purity): A symbol of piousness and purity, reflecting the aspiration for a clean and virtuous life.

Curd (Prosperity): Represents prosperity, the desire for progeny, and the call to adopt virtue while influencing others positively.

Honey (Unity): Signifying unity and the power of sweet speech, honey adds a touch of sweetness to the concoction.

Sugar (Bliss): The embodiment of bliss and sweetness, emphasizing the importance of speaking and behaving with kindness.

Ghee (Victory): A symbol of victory and knowledge, ghee embodies a loving relationship with everyone, fostering a sense of affection.

Charnamrit and Its Special Significance: 

Charnamrit, meaning "nectar water," holds a unique place in Hindu rituals. Used to bathe deities, this sacred mixture collects at their lotus feet in a copper pot, infusing medicinal properties into the concoction. The addition of basil leaf, seeds, and other medicinal elements enhances its health benefits. Ayurveda suggests that copper, present in the container, can help combat various diseases.

The Mantra and Spiritual Significance: A special mantra accompanies the dispersal of Charnamrit, emphasizing its transformative power. The mantra holds that partaking in Panchamrit blesses individuals with longevity, divinity, and liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Partaking in Panchamrit: 

Following prayers, devotees partake in Panchamrit with reverence. The elixir is shared by cupping the right hand, supported by the left underneath. Devotees then place their moistened hands over their heads, a gesture symbolizing respect for the sacred significance of Panchamrit.

Health Benefits of Charnamrit and Panchamrit: 

Ayurveda recognizes Charnamrit as a health elixir, enhancing virility, curing diseases with basil juice, and leveraging the medicinal properties of copper. Drinking Charnamrit promotes peace and calmness, along with potential memory enhancement. Panchamrit, too, is believed to offer health benefits, including improved brain function, nourished skin, and relief from various ailments.


Panchamrit and Charnamrit, rooted in ancient traditions, transcend the realm of mere rituals. These divine concoctions offer a holistic experience, combining spiritual significance with health benefits. As devotees partake in the sacred elixir, they not only embrace a tradition but also embark on a journey towards well-being, both of the mind and the body.

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Sunday 10 December 2023

Science Behind the Hindu Greeting: Namaskar


In Hindu culture, the traditional greeting 'Namaskar' holds a deeper significance rooted in science. Beyond a simple gesture, the act of joining hands plays a role in connecting the tips of all fingers. This, in turn, is intricately linked to pressure points in vital areas like the eyes, ears, and mind.

The elegance of 'Namaskar' lies in the intentional connection of fingertips, fostering a harmonious balance. The pressure points touched during this greeting are believed to have a positive impact on our sensory organs. By pressing the fingertips together, practitioners aim to activate these pressure points, leading to an enhanced state of awareness.

Interestingly, this ancient practice is not just a cultural formality; it has a cognitive purpose as well. The act of activating these pressure points is said to aid memory retention. By engaging these specific points through the physical touch of the fingers, 'Namaskar' becomes a mnemonic device, helping individuals remember the person and the encounter for an extended period.

The science behind 'Namaskar' reminds us that cultural traditions often have a profound connection to our well-being, both physically and mentally. As we delve into the intricacies of rituals like these, we find a beautiful intersection between tradition and science, highlighting the wisdom embedded in age-old practices.

So, the next time you greet someone with 'Namaskar,' remember the science woven into this cultural tapestry, fostering not only connection but also contributing to cognitive well-being. It's a reminder that traditions can be a source of both cultural richness and scientific insight.

Saturday 9 December 2023

Tradition and science behind ringing bells in temple

In the serene realms of temples, the resonating chime of bells isn't merely a ritual; it's a captivating blend of tradition and scientific wonder. Behind the age-old practice lies a fascinating synergy that transcends spiritual significance.

Unlocking the Mind:

The scientific rationale behind ringing temple bells is a revelation. The melodic sound serves as a mental cleanse, enhancing focus on the devotional purpose. Crafted with precision, these bells are designed to create a harmonious connection between the left and right parts of our brains.

The Echo Effect:

Upon ringing, the bells produce a sharp and enduring sound that lingers for a minimum of 7 seconds in echo mode. This intentional duration is not arbitrary; it is precisely calibrated to activate all seven healing centers within our body.

Unity in Brain Waves:

The unique design of temple bells fosters a synchronization of brain waves. As the sound reverberates, it establishes a unity between the logical and creative aspects of our minds, creating an ideal mental environment for deep concentration and spiritual connection.

Healing Resonance:

The echo's resonance, carefully curated by the bell's craftsmanship, plays a pivotal role. Lasting for 7 seconds, this sonic journey through the temple space has a profound impact, activating the seven healing centers within our body. This therapeutic effect contributes to the expulsion of negative thoughts, creating a space for serenity and introspection.

A Symphony of Devotion:

In essence, the temple bell is not just a symbol; it is a conductor of a symphony that orchestrates a holistic experience. The union of tradition and science in the form of these bells underscores the deep understanding our ancestors had of the mind-body connection and the role sound can play in elevating spiritual practices.

In conclusion, the act of ringing temple bells goes beyond ritualistic customs; it is a gateway to a mindful and rejuvenating experience. The harmonic convergence of tradition and science encapsulates the essence of these sacred spaces, leaving worshippers with a sense of peace and spiritual fulfillment.


Thursday 30 November 2023

"Heart's Gift: The Benefits of Blood Donation"

In life's hustle where time slips away, Tasks pile on, stress in disarray. Yet in chaos, a chance unfolds, A gift profound, where heartbeats hold.

Blood, life's essence, a shared thread, Kindness reigning, in veins widespread. A stream within, a healing flow, A chance to cleanse, to let life grow.

In this act, time fleeting fast, Three lives saved, a pact steadfast. A small sacrifice, immense in essence, A journey from self, a gift's recompense.

Heart, rejoice, as blood flows light, Unburdened, free, a rhythmic flight. Through veins, a dance, a melody strong, Life's echoes resound in a healing song.

In health's tales where hearts are bold, Risks unwind, a story told. A gift of blood, a cardio embrace, Reducing thickness, a heart's gentle grace.

Calories burned, a noble feat, A pint of life, a body's heartbeat. Not a strategy dire, but a chance to inspire, A gift of love, a warmth entire.

Community bonds in donor halls, Friendship warms, as kindness calls. A shared decree, a family's embrace, Hearts united, in a sacred space.

Wallets filled, not just with gold, Joy untold, a story unfold. Financial reward, a humble token, For those who give, gratitude spoken.

In the dance of iron, a selfless play, Reducing risks in life's grand array. Cancer's shadow set aside, In blood's embrace, a guardian guide.

Findings beacon, a hopeful light, Heed advice, seek insight. Consult with care, in a doctor's grace, Before this noble chase.

Pause in time, in this rhythmic rhyme, A celebration of a year's sweet climb. To giving life, to hearts so true, Happy birthday, dear, to one and to you!


Sunday 23 December 2018

Friday 30 March 2018

Gultoo- Crime has a new face- A must watch Kannada movie

Kannada industry has given some classic movies.  Love stories, sentimental, antagonist vainglory, violence, horror, comedy and many subjects that touch the chords of Kannada movie viewers.

However, when the world is surging ahead towards artificial intelligence, Industry seems to be way behind in showcasing technology and its impacts on society.

Yesterday, I watched one such movie, which roused my neurons about data theft, online crime, its impact, Cyberworld, and Information technology.

I am writing here about a Kannada movie Gultoo.

Movie is directed by debutant Janardhan Chikkanna, starring debutante Naveen Shankar, Ram Dhanush, very beautiful Sonu Gowda , Uniquely best Avinashand, made for satire Rangayana Raghu.

Movie is a story of Engineering student Alok(Naveen Shankar),  who is extremely talented, hardworking.  It’s about data theft, he has done absolute justice to the role as a techie, equally supported by his friend Aasthi (Ram Dhanush).

The first half of the movie is all about Aasthi and flirt. His comedy will never allow you to sit on your seats, Comedy looks absolutely fresh content, a trendsetter, as it used the funny side of  the social media and personal messaging. I specially mention joke of Chota Bheem, which make you laugh repeatedly at remembering your chat with your girlfriend/boyfriend.

In the first half Sonu  Gowda looks cute, adoring as a common girl who falls in love with Alok in a computer institute, where, they both work together. The first half shows pure romance love and fun.

Second Half

The second half is all about crime, here plot runs around Naveen Shankar, Lucia Pawan Kumar, Sonu Gowda, Avinash and Rangayana Raghu. It takes you to a different world of data and crime. It will make you rethink if are a tech-savvy or Geek.

Alok is caught for his crime, but what next is what the movie is all about. Twists, talent, technology, and crime are blended with treachery and innocence. It is a movie one should be seen by everyone. There is no skin show, unnecessary violence, glorification and it is a total family entertainer.


Music is enchanting, and melody seems perfect. It has five tracks and VTU song will take to nostalgia, and remaining songs are as good as a dewdrops


Data, code, encryption, decryption, data theft, love, flirt, comedy, murder, and crime is what I can say, For the conclusion, it’s better to move to theaters.

Everybody who uses the internet should watch this movie book your tickets now.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

This is How Holi Starts in north Karnataka region


New moon day of Phalguna month ( Spring season) of Hindu calendar. This new moon day is special in Northern part of Karnataka. It has got its own significance as, it give a start to the Holi celebration.

This is a small try to cover the pre Holi celebration that take in my home district Bagalkot, which is quite famous throughout India.

I hail out from an artistic town that gives richness to Indian ladies, Ilkal. Yes, I’m telling about Ilkal  Sarees which are the result of master-class art of weaving. Ilkal sarees increase richness of Indian ladies, Just like Sarees Holi celebration that takes in most of the places of Bagalkot district takes place even in my Hometown as well.

Halage mela

Right from the period of Before Christ to until date android era, every creed, every human believes music is an asset of praying almighty. Halagemela  is one such music procession that starts after Phalguna Amavasya. Almost every man in our town takes part in the procession every evening in their respective residential areas.

Each man will play kanjra (Halige) in their unique styles, beats. Kanjra is Avanadda type of Classical instruments, which is prepared by the skin of ox or buffalo (Nowadays with Polymer). This instrument gives a unique sound on beating with thin wooden stick.

Halige mela is supported by Ghana vadya’s such as Tala, anklets, Jagate(bell), Ginchi (Anklets), which are all classical folklore instruments, which are of metallic origin.

Combination of Halige and other solid metallic instruments provides unique mesmerizing sounds. This attracts any music lover and Halige mela start immediately after Phalguna Amavasya and procession runs for 15 days until HOLI. This gives environment of the bliss and celebration and showcase unique musical culture of Northern parts of Karnataka.


Music and dance are always inseparable. Where there is music, there exists the Dance.  We can experience it when you hear wonderful music of folklore. Especially; the one similar to Halagemela . The participants move their legs; shake their body by their own without their notice.
One such wonderful dance one should watch is the Banjara dance made by the Banjara communities of Northern karnataka. They are special in their dresses, steps, beats and the way they celebrate this Pre Holi period.


This a mock of the somber, sorrow, fun mixed with the folk stories and lesson. Sogu is similar to mock plays. Sogu is where, men acts as women and showcase the sombre, sorrow that occurs after the loss of a family member or a friend. People often narrate folk story combined with the moral lessons in a funny style. This Sogu also runs for 15 days after Halige mela and it will be a treat to watch for all the lovers of Indian tradition, culture.

Wood theft

This is one more bizarre activity that is allowed by people only for 15 days from Phalguna Amavasya to Holi festival. Kids and men stole wood, cowdung cakes, rags, waste materials, plastic materials, dried fruit peels, and Waste clothes from the households of their respective colonies. They burn all these theft items along with Lord Kama (the god of Lust) on the day of Full moon day.
Even if their own materials get stealed, nobody will not care, instead people believe they lost their dirty omen and it will bless them prosperity. Phalguna Amavasya signifies the start of summer and people in North Karnataka usually sleep on terrace of their houses to bear the heat from this period. This enhances theft activities.

Unfortunately, tradition of wood theft is wrongly utilized by few of cunning bastards to rob the houses, to attack layman in the night, to conduct burglary activities.


It is always great to be part of different culture, customs and celebrations. These all rituals, which are part of pre Holi celebration, are nothing but a part of celebration that contributes to our culture, way of living, peace and harmony.

The Ancient Art of Agnihotra: A Modern Solution to Pollution and Health Woes

In today's fast-paced world, with pollution levels soaring and health concerns on the rise, the search for effective remedies has led ma...