Showing posts with label death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death. Show all posts

Friday, 14 June 2013


Opened the book of memories 
left were just  the tears 
When tears were the words
Poems that born were hundreds 

Don’t know where you travelled  
never returned back, from the unseen world, 
Pressing a pause
To the pace of our happiness

On and on memorizing 
Your smile
Yet the pool of tears disguise 
Oh dear! How to forget the fear of turmoil

To forget your face, I tried hard
To forget is it a half blossomed bud 
Even the flower can fade
How is it possible to forget your end.

Oh my friend 
Your memories are immortal,  
Infinite, impeccable, recurring                                                                                                                                         

failure is the first step

Failure is often viewed as something to be avoided, something that indicates a setback or an end. In reality, failure can be the most import...